Markal Paintstik


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With Markal Paintstik B you make indelible marks on all possible surfaces. This paint marker is suitable for a very large number of applications.

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Product description

With this Markal paint stitch you can make permanent and weather-resistant markings. The paint marker can be used on almost all surfaces. Think of fat or raw metal, stone, concrete, asphalt, dry and wet wood. For example, as a crew, commander, police officer, instructor or fire service training leader, you can easily make drawings on the street or, for example, mark a car wreck. Members of USAR or STH can easily make notes on buildings and structures with this paint marker. The painstik is also known as a paint marker, paint crayon or paint stick.

  • Size: 115mm x 17mm
  • Working temperature: -46 to + 66C
  • Color: yellow
Product information
Brand Markal
Article code 2549
EAN 0048615802213
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